Alkaline Ionized Water Books and DVD's
Here is a list of suggested books about alkaline ionized water and water ionizers. We no longer directly sell books and DVDs related to alkaline ionized water & water ionizers. Instead, in order to save you money, we suggest you look for these great water ionizer books at the best prices [better prices than what we could offer you are available on Amazon].
Reverse Aging, by Sang Wang
This is still my favorite of all the water ionizer books I've read. Sang Whang's book, Reverse Aging, was my first introduction to water ionization. It greatly influenced me to purchase my first water ionizer back in the mid 90's. I bought a water ionizer to learn how to apply the principles of "reverse aging" for myself. I wanted to avoid all of the body conditions associated with aging [that Sang Whang mentions he had before buying his first water ionizer]. I also wanted to continue to look and feel good all the way through my middle and senior years. I'm happy to say that I've accomplished all of that and obviously Sang Whang did as well. He explains his story, briefly, in this video. I think Sang Whang's book is as relevant today as it was when I bought it, and everybody wanting to understand the simple science of aging should buy this book.
Other Great Books -- All available for very low prices on
- pH Miracle Books by Dr. Robert Young
- Alkalize or Die, by Theodore Baroody
- The Chemistry of Success, by Dr. Susan Lark, M.D
- Grow Youthful, by David Niven Miller
- Detox or Die, by Dr. Sherry Rogers, M.D..
- Aids and Ebola, by Horowitz
- 7 Pillars of Health, by Don Colbert, M.D.