Water Ionizers and reviews from Alkaline Water Plus Skip to main content

Water Ionizer Remedies

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

The following “remedies” are solely the opinion of webmaster, Cathie LoGrasso. Cathie is a self-taught nutritional enthusiast with a masters’ degree in education and almost two decades of experience with drinking alkaline ionized water [not to mention a family of seven]. Please write to Cathie at support@alkalinewaterplus.com if you have any questions about this page or website or if you have a story or experience you’d like added to the list below. 

Acid Reflux

The digestive-system has been shown to improve by drinking ionized water. Conditions, such as acid-reflux are of course greatly influenced by your food choices. Food combining is usually at the root of acid reflux [mixing food that need different pH levels, enzymes and time to digest confuses the stomach]. If you experience acid-reflux, then ionized water will soothe it. An additional answer to acid reflux is to get on a regimen of eating better. Example: Do not mix fruit in with a meal consisting of meat…this includes tomatoes [which are a fruit]. At least limit this if you do to one slice of fresh uncooked tomato with your meat. Of course eating a ton of something like cookies will end you up with acid reflux as well. The best answer is to just eat better.


With a good water ionizer I am predicting that you will soon find colds and air-borne allergies to be a thing of the past. Ionized water, with its abundance of natural antioxidants [water molecules which are saturated with negatively charged electrons], can provide protection from colds and allergies. If you experience allergy symptoms, I suggest to drink lots of ionized water and the symptoms should pass quickly. I almost never get allergy symptoms. I used to get lots before drinking ionized water, but now I so rarely get a cold or allergy symptom… it almost classifies as never [since I switched to the Athena Water Ionizer]. Note: If you are new to drinking ionized water, I suggest you read the section on new-users.

Colon & Bowel Cleansing

A lot of work has been done to show that drinking alkaline ionized water and bowel cleansing go hand-in-hand. Dr. Shinya, the inventor of colonoscopies, has done a lot of work proving this.


I have personally known two people who are alive and healthy today because of ionized water. [Gail Hendricks and Cheryel Watkins] There are many, many other people [whom I don’t personally know] who claim that ionized water has helped them overcome cancer. The reason ionized water helps with cancer is that it helps your body to constantly bathe your cells with the right pH water. Beyond this, I’m not sure why. I think switching to a more alkaline diet in general [see General Health section below] would also be warranted. There are no guarantees and the real solution is to not get cancer in the first place. Drinking ionized water can definitely help with prevention of cancer and other diseases. See the Water Ionizer Testimonials page to read more.

Cardio-Vascular System

The cardio-vascular system is benefited greatly from anti-oxidants. Ionized water, with its abundance of natural antioxidants [water molecules which contain extra, negatively charged electrons] is the most natural, healthy, simple anti-oxidant you can put in your body. Drinking fresh ionized water all day long can provide protection for the cardio-vascular system and other organs of the body all day long. I have personally seen with my own two eyes that spider veins disappeared when I started drinking ionized water from the Athena Water Ionizer. Also see the section on this page called “General Health – Antioxidants”.

Cold Symptoms

With a good water ionizer I am predicting that you will soon find colds and air-borne allergies to be a thing of the past. Ionized water, with its abundance of natural antioxidants [water molecules which are abundantly saturated with negatively charged electrons], can provide protection from colds and allergies. If you experience cold symptoms, including sinus pressure, swollen glands, fever, coughing, runny nose, sneezing, and congestion, I suggest to drink lots of ionized water and the cold should pass quickly. I almost never get a cold. I used to get lots of colds before drinking ionized water, then lots fewer when I got my first water ionizer, but now I so rarely get a cold that it almost classifies as never [since I switched to the Athena Water Ionizer]. Note: If you are new to drinking ionized water, I suggest you read the section on new-users.


I have experience that ionized water helps greatly to alleviate constipation, however I do have to add that whenever my body has been low in potassium I've experienced constipation even though drinking ionized water. I believe constipation probably has many possible causes, but drinking lots of ionized water is a huge help in this area.

Dental Issues [Cavities]

I have literally not had a cavity since I started drinking ionized water. The extra alkalinity [sipping ionized water all day long] is very good for your mouth and teeth. Obviously, one needs to brush, floss, etc., but even with all that I used to get cavities fairly frequently in the years before I started drinking ionized water. I have had many customers tell me the same thing…including a dental assistant.


I personally know several people with diabetes who get better blood-sugar readings due to drinking ionized water. Dr. Robert Young has also done an extensive amount of work with diabetic patients and his PH Miracle book is something I highly recommend for anyone with diabetes to read more.

Ear Wax

If you have excess ear wax, I suggest that you drink more ionized water daily. I have a family history of excess ear wax, but I have found that when I drink the right amount of ionized water daily, what works best for me is a lot of water [over a gallon], my ears stay clear of wax build-up.

Energy [Lack of]

I have had personal experience and have been told this by friends and customers many times that ionized water definitely helps you have more energy. Doing workouts shortly after drinking ionized water goes much smoother. Plus, just in general, people everywhere are claiming to have more energy at all times [myself included].

General Health [Anti-Oxidants]

Ionized water, with its abundance of natural antioxidants [water molecules which contain extra, negatively charged electrons] is the most natural, healthy, simple anti-oxidant you can put in your body. Drinking fresh ionized water all day long can provide protection for the cardio-vascular system and other organs of the body all day long. I have personally seen with my own two eyes that spider veins disappeared when I started drinking ionized water from the Athena Water Ionizer. Some water ionizers are better than others for the amount of antioxidants that are in the drinking levels of ionized water. See more about this on my Water Ionizer Comparison page. Note: If you cannot get your ionized water fresh as a regular routine [which probably most people can’t], then read on. The idea is to keep these tiny electrons from escaping! I’ve done many, many long-term lests on storing ionized water and have found the following to be the best way to retain the anti-oxidants in your ionized water: 1) Use either glass or BPA-free hard plastic or insulated medical-grade stainless steel. To get the best retention of pH and ORP, 2) Use a container with a screw-on, tight-fitting, rubber-sealed lid, 3) Fill it to OVERFLOWING THE BRIM [with no air-bubble/gap if possible]…this traps the antioxidants in! 4) If you want to know which container is the very best… I have found jamming jars to store ionized water the best of all containers I’ve tested so far. I got mine very cheap [$6.00/dozen] at Walmart. 5) It is also best to use small containers [about 12-16 oz.] rather than huge gallon-sized ones. If you must use gallon-sized jugs, I suggest that every time you open a gallon you split any ionized water you don’t think you’ll immediately consume [within 30 min.] into smaller containers filled with no air-gap [as described above]. By following the above guidelines for storing your ionized water you’ll have the benefits of nearly the same pH and ORP as you had when your ionized water was first poured. I’ve even maintained the anti-oxidants in ionized water very well for over a week using the containers described in #4, above.

Hair [Split Ends and Loss of Shine]

Using acidic water on your hair can greatly improve your hair’s health and shine. Click the link in the title of this section to read more about this. I have also experienced benefits from taking zinc and trace minerals in maintaing the youthful, natural color of my hair as well.


I suppose headaches can stem from many diverse sources, but I have found that when I keep my ionized water intake up over a gallon every day that I have no headaches ever. [I used to have them periodically before drinking ionized water.]

Kidney & Liver Conditions

Many people [some customers and some just people claiming this on the internet] have claimed that their liver and kidney conditions healed with the help of ionized water.

New Users

If you are new to drinking ionized water, cold symptoms may mean that you are experiencing too much detox [detoxification]. Don’t be too over-zealous when you are just getting started drinking ionized-water. This could shock your bladder or other systems and make you think you have a cold, urinary-track infection, or other things wrong when they’re really not. If you do get any symptoms of anything non-optimum and you are a new drinker of ionized water, then I suggest to reduce the alkalinity of your ionized water to the lowest alkaline water level possible and at the same time drink lots of it. The symptoms should subside quickly when you do this. If they don’t, then I suggest mixing filtered water [neutral setting] in with the lowest level of alkaline water until your symptoms are completely gone. When you start increasing alkalinity, do it more slowly.

Obesity [Overcoming Obesity]

Many people don’t realize that obesity is not just based on what you eat, it’s based on the already-existing fat cells that are in your body AND your body pH. Certain fat cells [especially the ones located around your belly, hips and thighs] are major contributors to slowing down your metabolic rate so much that you could literally starve yourself before you’d lose weight. In order to lose this fat you will need to switch your body from being acidic to being alkaline. Ionized water is a very good way to help you do this! Also, eating a diet high in natural, uncooked vegetables, a moderate amount of lean meat/protein and the CORRECT fats [essential] will eventually help you to re-sculpt your body. Fruits are not recommended unless you are eating a fresh fruit single serving by itself an hour before meals or hours after meals…until your fat-balance is handled. Nice, fresh, alkaline vegetables turn acidic when cooked, so avoid cooking your vegetables! Heating ionized water also turns IT acidic. Too much meat contributes to a body’s over-acidity as well so limit this to just exactly what you need for your age, sex, activity-level and weight. Grains also contribute to acidity, so avoid them or stop consuming them until your body-fat is more under control. Bodies take about three days to adjust to new diet routines, so be prepared to need a bit of will-power here and there [but don’t get stressed over this — after the body has a new routine established the routine above is very comfortable to maintain].


When people eat and drink a diet high in acidity over a long period of time, eventually you use up your natural abundant stores of alkaline pH buffers. Needing to maintain a slightly alkaline state, the body will start to rob your joints and bones of their alkaline minerals [mainly calcium]. Over a long period of small daily robbings, you will likely eventually develop porous bones. This condition is an extremely dangerous one and there is absolutely NO reason to ever get this way. Drinking lots of ionized water daily will help to provide an ongoing source of alkaline buffers so your body won’t rob your bones and joints. It is also recommended to try to eat more alkaline foods [such as raw vegetables] into your diet and less acidic foods.


Pimples are a symptom of your body needing to detox and the skin pores getting clogged up and infected. Drinking a lot of ionized water daily [over a gallon] will really help. Also a temporary alkaline water poultice held on the location will help to open the pore and allow the pus to escape. But after the pimple is on the mend, quickly switch the pH of the poultice to acidic. This is necessary, because you ultimately want your pores to be tightly closed [NOT OPEN] as part of your body’s immune defenses against bacteria and other small invaders.

Skin Dryness

Skin dryness can be caused by many things, but here are some things I’ve learned about it over the years. 1) Skin dryness can be connected with dehydration. Drinking a good amount of ionized water daily can of course help with this. 2) Skin dryness could be from over-washing or using drying chemicals on your hands. If you have to wash your hands a lot, try rubbing them gently until your natural skin oils return. 3) Skin dryness is often caused from continued exposure to the wrong pH [for your skin]. Skin needs a slightly acidic pH. Most soaps and shampoos are highly alkaline [to cut through & clean grease]. There is a whole science to skin and hair pH that most people are unaware of [although beauticians most likely do know this]. Click the link in the title of this section to learn more. One more contributor to skin dryness is chlorine.

Skin Rashes [Eczema]

Many skin rashes [such as eczema] can be greatly improved or even cured entirely with acidic water. You should not use the lowest pH-level of acidic water for this, just a moderately low pH [such as the acid water that comes out of the bottom hose when you are pouring alkaline ionized drinking water out the top spout]. Either bathe in it, spritz with it or soak a body part in it. I have had several customers who have let me personally know how well the acid water helps their skin. One specific case that stands out with me is the baby girl with such a severe case of eczema that her family was miserable because the baby was miserable all the time, screaming day and night. After a month of using acidic water [5 pH] the baby was all better and the family’s sanity was saved! Note: If the skin rash doesn’t respond within a couple of days, see a doctor. Many people in the US have mites or other weird reasons for skin rashes that only an experienced doctor can diagnose.

Sugar Cravings [Overcoming Sugar Cravings]

The fact of reducing your intake of sugar will eventually help you to overcome sugar cravings. These cravings are based on habit and often have their roots in some sort of mal-nutrition. Drinking ionized water will assist in the withdrawal from sugar, and so will a diet rich in nutrients. With me, after the holidays, it takes about three days [with the help of ionized water] to get back into the groove of a healthy diet. Drinking ionized water will assist in the withdrawal from sugar, and so will a diet rich in nutrients. The reason ionized water helps is that it helps to bring more usable oxygen and energy to your cells. It helps prevent free-radical damage of cells [which could be tied into a person having an under-nourished condition].

Urine Flow Too Slow

Urine flow is directly related to the pH of your bladder and organs of urine elimination. The pH of these organs needs to be about neutral. If you’re drinking alkaline ionized water at too high of a pH for your body, you may experience a temporary reduction in your urine flow. If this happens, then set your water ionizer to a slightly lower pH setting until this symptom is gone.


Skin is highly benefited by the use of ionized ACIDIC water. See the page on Beauty Water for more on this: https://alkalinewaterplus.com/beauty-water . Some of your wrinkles could be stemming from skin dryness. If so see the section above on that. Wrinkles can also be improved [diminished] by switching to a vitamin C shower filter.

Suggested further reading: Weight-Loss & Beauty Tips

Cathleen Lograsso

Cathleen LoGrasso

My background is in physiology, teaching, nutrition and weight loss. I have raised 5 children who are all grown now. I have a masters degree in education and was a teacher/principal for 24 years. I created Alkaline Water Plus in 2009 to educate people about the benefits of ionized water.

The very best thing I have ever purchased is a WATER IONIZER, and I've been in perfect health ever since I started drinking ionized water 25 years ago! Understanding and knowing how to control and manage my own body's pH and antioxidant levels at the cellular level has made all the difference in the world in my life, my family's lives and in a countless number of my friends and associates over the years.

Cathie LoGrasso Owner, Alkaline Water Plus

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