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Water Ionizer Face-Off #3: Tyent Turbo vs. Chanson Miracle Water Ionizers

Published by Alkaline Water Plus

Today I’m reporting on my water ionizer comparisons of the Tyent Turbo water ionizer vs. the Chanson Miracle water ionizer.

The Chanson Miracle water ionizer is the high-end of the Chanson water ionizer models, and as you can see here it performs well in levels 3 and 4. It also gets a good acid water pH. The Tyent Turbo water ionizer, however performed well at almost all levels [neither ionizer performed well at level 1] and showed a better ORP per unit of pH than the Chanson Miracle water ionizer [which I personally feel is important]. So, I believe Tyent is the clear winner in today’s Water Ionizer Face-Off competition.

Here are the videos, charts and commentaries:

10/27/10 Tyent/Miracle-1 Tyent Turbo Chanson Miracle
Level 1pH/ORP/rH*/Rating

9.5 /+32 / 26.73

10.2 /-69 / 24.77 Better but still not good.

Level 2pH/ORP/rH*/Rating

10.4 /-755 / 2.3 Much Better

10.6 /-171 /20.2

Level  3pH/ORP/rH*/Rating

11.2 /-814 / 1.93 Better

11.3 /-797 / 2.7

Level  4 pH


11.5 Better [for emulsifying oils]


2.0 Better [for killing germs]


Level 4 at slower flowpH/ORP/rH*/Rating


11.6 Better [for emulsifying oils]

Acid @ slower flow-rate

2.0 Better [for killing germs]


Acid…from Miracle with acid hose flowing uphill

2.1 Better [for killing germs]

Note: St. Louis tap water today tested at 9.5 pH and +302 ORP.

Analysis of the Miracle’s Results: Levels 3 and 4 were fine for the Miracle were very good results for ORP, but the pH was high for drinking. At the drinking levels of pH for the Miracle I wasn’t able to get good ORP results. I actually repeated several tests of the Miracle on my own, for my own knowledge, worked with the Chanson technician extensively, and adjusted the settings to the maximum results for my water. I was still unable to get levels 1 and 2 of the Miracle to perform any better than this. Level 3 of the Miracle is close to the Tyent at level 3, although not quite as good of an ORP per unit of pH, and the Miracle’s good results at levels 3 and 4 made me believe that I could program the first two levels to perform better. Keep in mind that the St. Louis source water is a very high pH, so these results would most likely be much lower pH in your area. I say the Miracle at levels 1 and 2 wasn’t performing well, because it was not giving good stable medical quality negative ORP until it got up to about an 11 pH. [Again, consider the source water: in your area this may have been a 10 pH or lower] I tested this over and over on my own, and this is what I observed with all the tests. Most people at an 11 pH are using that for a de-greaser and not as their drinking level. Therefore the high ORP at that level is an indication of good electrolysis, but not useful information for ionized water drinking purposes for people with my source water. My earlier tests of the Chanson focused only on levels 3 and 4 in Laguna Hills, CA,  and so I really have nothing to compare these recent tests at levels 1 and 2 to.

How did the Tyent do? Well with the Tyent at level 2 you can see by the numbers in the chart above that you could drink at 10.4 pH and get a -755 ORP. And that’s with St. Louis source water! That’s great! Of course you would start out at the lower pH levels, but when you got up to this level you’d be all set with about the best ORP you could get for that level of pH.

Cathleen Lograsso

Cathleen LoGrasso

My background is in physiology, teaching, nutrition and weight loss. I have raised 5 children who are all grown now. I have a masters degree in education and was a teacher/principal for 24 years. I created Alkaline Water Plus in 2009 to educate people about the benefits of ionized water.

The very best thing I have ever purchased is a WATER IONIZER, and I've been in perfect health ever since I started drinking ionized water 25 years ago! Understanding and knowing how to control and manage my own body's pH and antioxidant levels at the cellular level has made all the difference in the world in my life, my family's lives and in a countless number of my friends and associates over the years.

Cathie LoGrasso Owner, Alkaline Water Plus

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